> Brand Story > IMALL7


We will satisfy your demand with competitive products.

Imall7, the personalized multi-shopping mall with freedom to sell and buy
Imall7 is an online total shopping mall filled with a fortune of benefits. It is a joyful shopping space where you can buy NR Communication’s PB Brand products and other quality products in total shopping mall, open mall, social commerce and closed mall.

What is Imall7?

Imall7, the personalized multi shopping mall! You are the owner. Imall7 is a derivation mall that gives a person the benefit to run a large online shopping mall. You can run Imall7 by becoming a member of NR Communication. As an owner of Imall7, you have full control on presenting and selling the products. With over 300,000 products to choose in Imall7, you can choose which product you like to sell, and buy from other sellers. All these transactions are made with your Imall.

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